Home » Scootababy Baby Carriers


Scootababy Baby Carriers are soft structured baby carriers that are designed to allow you to carry your baby in a side carry position. Scootababy Carriers can also be used to carry your child in a modified front carry or modified back carry position. The side carrying position of the Scootababy Carrier is the most natural position for carrying a baby. When we carry our babies in our arms, we instinctively swing them to our side or rest them on a hip as we continue to go about our day. The Scootababy Carrier assists you in carrying your baby in this natural position; helping to distibute your baby's weight across your upper body, to avoid misalignment which can occur from constantly jutting out one hip. Scootababy Baby Carriers are great baby carriers for toddlers who like to get up and then be put down many times throughout the day.
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