Wean Green glass is free of nasty chemicals, such as BPA, PVC’s or Phthalates that may be harmful to your child. It is 4-5 times stronger than regular glass as well as dishwasher, microwave, and freezer safe. Our glass is impermeable, 100% recyclable, and will not stain - so you can store your tomato sauce with ease!
Every year, approximately 45,000 tons of plastic waste are dumped into the world’s oceans. One of the results of this is that up to 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals are killed each year by plastic trash.
LitterLess Lunch:
It has been estimated that on average a school-age child using a disposable lunch generates 67 pounds of waste per school year. That equates to 18,760 pounds of lunch waste for just one average-size elementary school.
• Airtight silicone seals help prevent leaks
• Smart clips lock in freshness and make it easy for little hands to open
• Perfect for taking healthy snacks on the go
• 4 colors to brighten the fridge, freezer and lunch bags
• Lids are durable and have passed the ‘use’ testing over 3 million times per tab